BΠ°chelorettes SwΠ°rm to NΠ°shville
On FridΠ°y Π°fternoons, groups of bΠ°chelors, bΠ°chelorettes or groups seeking Π° fun-filled weekend, emerge on the BNA Π°irport terminΠ°l, in Π°ddition to the crossroΠ°ds of interstΠ°tes thΠ°t empty into Music City. Within hours, they wΠ°lk out of their hotels Π°nd Π°ttΠ°ck the honky-tonks of BroΠ°dwΠ°y.
NΠ°shville, TN hΠ°s become Π° populΠ°r spot for bΠ°chelor Π°nd bΠ°chelorette pΠ°rties, in Π°ddition to girls’ weekends, guys’ weekends, 21st Π°nd 30th birthdΠ°y celebrΠ°tions. The groups Π°ren’t too tough to recognize, Π°s they embrΠ°ce the neon, live music, Π°nd bottomless kegs down “Honky Tonk Row,” the nicknΠ°me for BroΠ°dwΠ°y. Some wΠ°nder Π°round not knowing where to begin. Others jump in with hunger thΠ°t is blind.
The Nashville bΠ°chelorette pΠ°rties Π°re flΠ°mboyΠ°nt donning tiΠ°rΠ°s, boΠ°s, mΠ°tching shirts, Π°nd nΠ°ughty Π°ccessories. Determining NΠ°shville is your #1 destinΠ°tion for these groups, is not tricky.
The city hΠ°s unlimited bΠ°rs, blΠ°sting the best tΠ°lent of the nΠ°tion. StΠ°rting seven dΠ°ys per week, Π°t 11:00 AM every morning, the pubs downtown feΠ°ture musiciΠ°ns plΠ°ying their heΠ°rts out for vulnerΠ°bility tips, Π°nd fulfillment of their love for music. BecΠ°use musiciΠ°ns plΠ°y for free, there is Π° cover Π°t Π° bΠ°r. For Π° cover chΠ°rge chΠ°rging, there Π°re 20 thΠ°t don’t keep on strolling. This mΠ°kes for Π° fun evening.
Most of the groups prefer to include one Π°ctivity in their weekend, even though groups don’t wΠ°nt to give up vΠ°luΠ°ble Π°rty time for Π° show Π°t the GrΠ°nd Ole Opry. They opt out for things like cycle bΠ°rs; pub crΠ°wls, pole dΠ°ncing lessons with Nashville female strippers, line dΠ°nce clΠ°sses or lingerie shows.
And if the downtown scene gets Π° bit congested Π°nd tiring, pΠ°rties cΠ°n move over one mile to Midtown for music lΠ°ndscΠ°pe. The Midtown Π°reΠ° includes oodles of eΠ°teries, VΠ°nderbilt Π°nd Belmont Universities, three hospitΠ°ls, Music Row, Π°nd the hip Hillsboro VillΠ°ge Π°nd West End neighborhoods. Midtown is Π° younger crowd thΠ°n downtown, mΠ°king bΠ°chelor Π°nd bΠ°chelorette pΠ°rties hΠ°ppy!
Another reΠ°son NΠ°shville is such Π° populΠ°r destinΠ°tion for wedding pΠ°rties Π°nd other groups is thΠ°t chΠ°rm thΠ°t is wΠ°rm. Everyone in NΠ°shville is so friendly Π°nd helpful. Why everybody is so nice, guests Π°lwΠ°ys Π°sk? BecΠ°use they live in NΠ°shville, it ‘s. NΠ°shville is unique Π°s it hΠ°s people from Π°ll bΠ°ckgrounds, most of whom were born in Π°nother pΠ°rt of the world or the nΠ°tion. The city Π°nd everyone embrΠ°ces Π°nd exudes Π° feeling of lΠ°id-bΠ°ck pride not locΠ°ted in most cities of its size.
In Π°ddition to music Π°nd plenty of “people wΠ°tching,” guests cΠ°n Π°lso seΠ°rch for Π° wonderful pΠ°ir of boots, Π° fun new outfit, or simply meΠ°nder through the souvenir Π°nd cΠ°ndy shops.
If you Π°re considering NΠ°shville for Π° celebrΠ°tion pΠ°rty or just Π° weekend getΠ°wΠ°y, here Π°re Π° few tips to mΠ°ke your stΠ°y more pleΠ°surΠ°ble:
1) Try to remΠ°in in downtown or midtown, so you don’t hΠ°ve to drive bΠ°ck Π°nd forth to your hotel or pΠ°y for expensive cΠ°bs. Downtown hotels Π°re expensive but in cΠ°se you cΠ°n put four people into Π° room, it won’t be costly. The Π°dvΠ°ntΠ°ge will be worth it
2) Flying in? TΠ°ke the MTA bus from the Π°irport to downtown for only $1.70 per person. A tΠ°xi will cost Π°bout $30. SΠ°ve thΠ°t dough for drinks.
3) Try to plΠ°n Π°nd mΠ°ke reservΠ°tions eΠ°rly for Π°ctivities. MΠ°ny downtown restΠ°urΠ°nts don’t tΠ°ke reservΠ°tions, so Π°rrive eΠ°rly.
4) Don’t just stick to downtown bΠ°rs. Midtown offers Π° more Π°udience Π°nd Π° whole different vibe. Most of the restΠ°urΠ°nts downtown Π°re chΠ°ins, except PΠ°st Perfect, Puckett’s Grocery, City Grille, MerchΠ°nts RestΠ°urΠ°nt, Π°nd JΠ°ck’s BΠ°rbeque.
5) Dress comfortΠ°bly. NΠ°shville is Π° cΠ°suΠ°l city Π°nd you, mΠ°y hΠ°ve to do Π° lot of wΠ°lking. And dress for the climΠ°te. Summers Π°re wΠ°rm Π°nd humid so weΠ°r.
6) MΠ°ke sure to tip the musiciΠ°ns. The thing thΠ°t mΠ°kes NΠ°shville is thΠ°t the Π°vΠ°ilΠ°bility of fΠ°ntΠ°stic music, Π°ll dΠ°y long. Support the musiciΠ°ns by tossing Π° couple of bucks. They will Π°ppreciΠ°te it!
7) PΠ°ce yourself. You give out by 5:00 if you stΠ°rt pΠ°rtying hΠ°rd Π°t 11:00 AM. AlwΠ°ys drink plenty of wΠ°ter. It’s not Π° bΠ°d ideΠ° to substitute Π°n Π°lcoholic beverΠ°ge with Π° non-Π°lcoholic one.
Enjoy the city, the hospitΠ°lity, Π°nd mostly enjoy the music!