Breakup Party
Divorce is never easy, but it’s an important part of life. If a good friend tells you, they’re getting divorced, coming up with divorce party ideas may not be the first thing you think about. You’ll want to jump in to show your support, and finding ways to help frame a difficult situation as a fresh opportunity is one way to do that.
What do people do to celebrate a divorce? Breakup party celebrations are not about being a hater or slamming the ex. They should be about looking forward and shining a light on the possibilities around new beginnings.
So, how do you host a breakup party? Start by keeping the invite list small. Ensure it only includes those intimately connected to the person involved. Understanding whether the divorce was a long time in coming or an unexpected shock will help guide you to the right vibe. Be sensitive, especially if children are involved.
This list of lighthearted divorce party ideas will help you be the kind of friend who knows how to circle the wagons and inspire fresh starts: Breakup parties are the best.

Divorce Party for Her
Pin The Tail On The Ex
They help you overcome a bad breakup and provide a great opportunity to make fun of your ex without feeling guilty or awkward. So why not host a breakup party and invite all your friends to make fun of your ex? All you will need for this game is a double-sided taper, a blindfold, a blown-up picture of your ex, and a cutout donkey tail (you can include the butt of the donkey if you like). Hang the picture up on the wall, and one by one, have your friends put on the blindfold and try to pin the donkey’s tail on your ex’s face. The one pin’s tail closest to his/her mouth wins!
Ax the Ex
With this game, we will make things easier for you—and hopefully make it a little more fun!
Before the party starts, print off some ax cutouts and write down a bad habit someone would have as a partner on an extra scrap of paper (for example, someone who laughs too loudly, burps loudly, or constantly interrupts…). Then give each guest an ax cutout and a safety pin when they arrive at the party. As guests move around the room, they’ll see their bad habit displayed by other guests—and then decide whether or not to pin their ax on that person based on how much they hate seeing that bad habit in action. The person with the most axes at the end of the night wins!
Break Up Movie Match Up
Here’s a fun game to play with your friends. You’ll need a poster board, markers, pens, and tape or tacks.
Write down the titles of your favorite movies on one side of the poster board in a different order than they are usually written. Write down their descriptions on the other side, also in a different order than usual. Number each title side and then letter each description side.
We’ll play in teams (or individually) and take turns approaching the board and writing down what we believe is the correct number and matching the movie titles to their descriptions. Collect them all at the end and see who has the most correct! The winner gets a small prize!
Death Becomes Her
This game is perfect for friends who are all sick of each other’s crap. You’ll need a bunch of props: a bottle of poison, a framed picture of your best friend’s husband (the one you stole), an old woman costume, and some stairs.
Start by having everyone write down everything they hate about their partner on paper. Put these in a hat, then have everyone randomly draw out one slip. Whoever drew that slip gets to be the old woman who dies at the end of the game!
Next, everyone picks up the things they hate about their partner and puts them in a pile in front of them. They’ll be using these items to build an object that represents how they feel about their partner – maybe it’s a giant house made out of toothpaste tubes that says, “You’re boring!” or maybe it’s just three boxes stacked together with something like “I don’t know why I’m with you” written on top. Whatever it is, ensure that no one knows what anyone else is making!
Now for the fun part: stealing! Once everyone has finished creating their objects representing how they feel about their
First Wives Club
The First Wives Club is a 1996 American comedy-drama film that tells the story of three women who empower each other to seek revenge while succeeding in life when they all find themselves being left by their husbands for younger women.
The film was adapted from the bestselling novel of the same name by Olivia Goldsmith. The screenplay was written by Ron Bass and Diane Drake, who also directed the film. The story centers on three first wives: Annie (Bette Midler), Brenda (Goldie Hawn), and Diane (Shelley Long). Each woman’s husband has left her for a younger woman, and the three friends decide to stick together in their time of need. They get revenge on their ex-husbands by trying to show them up with new love interests. The film received generally positive reviews from critics and audiences but did not do as well at the box office compared to other female buddy films like “9½ Weeks” (1986) or “Steel Magnolias” (1989).
She Devil
She Devil is a game we play when feeling a little bit devilish. It’s easy to play and involves a lot of laughing.
– Make sure you have at least five players!
– Each player needs to make up an identity for their character, including a name, description, and backstory.
– One player will be the She-Devil, trying to find the ex-husband and tear apart his new life. The other players will try to help her out by giving her clues about where he might be hiding.
– The She-Devil starts with a few clues, but there can only be one at any given time. If someone else wants to take over as She Devil, they should inform everyone beforehand so everyone can prepare for it!
– Once a new She Devil has been chosen, she gets all the information from the previous one (including any new clues) and then starts hunting down the ex-husband herself!
War of Roses
-This game is a lot like Truth or Dare. The person who asks the question has to choose between Truth or Dare. If they choose truth, they have to answer the question truthfully. If they choose a dare, they have to perform the dare given to them by the person who asked the question.
-If you ask someone for a dare and they refuse, you give them an extra dare. This can be used against you if you don’t want to do something or don’t know how!
-This game has no winners or losers, but playing with an audience may help your reputation if you play well!
Sleeping with the Enemy
This game will get you laughing and crying, so be ready!
The object of the game is to find out who gets caught cheating. You can play it with three or more couples.
First, everybody sits in a circle and shares their name and relationship status. Then, each person takes turns asking questions about their partner to everyone else in the group—such as “What do you like about your significant other?” or “What do you not like about your significant other?” (don’t make it too personal). The answers should be written down on paper by those who answered them. Once everyone has answered a question, all answers are put in a hat and shuffled around.
Next, each person takes turns pulling out an answer slip and reading it aloud; then, they act out what it says (for example: “My boyfriend likes to watch sports, but he always talks during commercials”). When you pull out an answer already pulled out by someone else, yell, “Sleeping with the Enemy!” That person gets to act out a line from another slip of paper that was drawn from the hat earlier on in the
Mrs. Doubtfire
This game is best played with friends and family.
How to play:
1. Everyone must dress in drag, except one who will act as Mrs. Doubtfire’s husband and play a role in the game (see below).
2. The Mrs. Doubtfire character must sit on a chair in the middle of the room (or hang from the ceiling if possible), and everyone else must stand around him/her in a circle.
3. The husband will then announce that he has some shocking news for everyone: he wants a divorce! He explains that he will no longer live with them, but will still be there for them whenever they need him. He can’t wait until they grow up and move out of their childhood home so he can finally regain his freedom after all these years!
4. Everyone else will tell him how much they love him and want him to stay forever! They’ll bring up all sorts of reasons why he should stay: how much fun it is when they’re all together as a family, how much they miss him when he’s not around… etcetera,
Sweet Home Alabama
-Players will sit in a circle. One person is chosen as the player trying to get a divorce. That person leaves the room.
-The rest of the players choose one word that best describes their relationship with the player who left the room. These words are written down on paper and put into a hat.
-The person who left comes back into the room and draws a slip out of the hat, reading out loud what was written on it. They then have to act out that word with each player, using different gestures and expressions (e.g., if they drew “happy,” they could pretend to be happy).
-The players then vote by putting either an “X” or an “O” on their headband (or another wearable item) for yes or no as to whether this description matches their relationship with that person in real life.
Waiting to Exhale
Waiting to Exhale- Four women find themselves at turning points in their lives regarding love. In the movie, a famous singer played one of the women, the car of a cheating husband was set on fire, and a single mother finds love next door.
This is a great movie to watch with your friends if you’re trying to get over someone or want some inspiration regarding relationships. It’s also a good option if you’re looking for a chick flick to get you all fired up.
The first thing I recommend doing is buying some pizza and beer. Then ensure everyone has a few drinks before you start watching (or even during). You’ll have more fun if you can relate!
Once you’ve finished your pizza and beer, start playing “Who Has More Boyfriends?” Each person starts by writing down their name on a piece of paper, then each person rolls one die five times and writes down the number they roll on their piece of paper, then everyone compares who has more boyfriends/girlfriends/whatever on their paper! Whoever has the most wins!
Blue Valentine
This is a story about a young couple with a daughter, trying to hold on to a marriage that is quickly falling apart. A last attempt with a hotel stay and too much alcohol only leaves them to realize their goals in life are very different, and divorce is inevitable.
For this game, one person should be forced to drink as much alcohol as possible before the timer runs out (around 10 minutes). The other players must decide who has had too much alcohol by asking questions about the relationship, such as “How did you meet?” or “What’s your favorite color?” The player who answers the most questions correctly wins!
Build a Man
It’s time to find out what your friends think about relationships.
This game is great for parties and will give you some laughs. You will need:
-Scrap paper
-A cutout of a person (a stick figure or other simple shape)
-Double sided tape
Have your guests gather around and give them each three pieces of paper and a pen. Have them write down three things they desire in a partner. They can be as specific as they want. When everyone is done, gather up all of the desires. One by one, you will read them aloud and place them on the part of the cutout that is appropriate to the desire. For example, if it is a hardworking partner, then you would place that on the hand, or if it is a tender person, then that would go on the heart, and so on. When you are done, you can have a good laugh over some of the submissions and see what is most important in a partner based on the gathered information!
Breakup Party for Him
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
This game is great because it will surely get some laughs and allow you to see your friends in a new light. You will need an inflatable doll or something to act as your partner in this game. You will also need index cards and a marker. Separate your cards into even amounts based on the number of guests you expect. You will write The Good on the back of each card in one stack, The Bad on the next stack, and The Ugly on the back of the last stack. You will write a small description on each card, examples below, and once they are all complete, you will shuffle the pile. Your guests will take turns pulling a card and acting out the card with their “partner” you have supplied.
The Good- Your Partner proposes you introduce them to your family, take you on your first date to a movie, and take you to a salsa club…etc.
The Bad- Your Partner farts in front of you, you burp when you are kissing, your partner is staring at their phone when you are talking about losing your job…etc.
The Ugly- Your Partner reveals they want to be a nudist by appearing nude at a dinner party, and you.
Kick the Man/Woman Can:
This game is a fun way to get everyone laughing, and it’s great for a breakup party because you can use it to take out your frustrations on an ex! Here’s how to play:
1. You will need a picture of the ex and an empty, clean, not sharp metal can. You can tape the picture of the ex around the can.
2. Have your guests separate into two groups, assign each side a goal, and place the can in the center on the ground. A clothes basket on its side or a trash can is ideal for a goal.
3. Have each team stand opposite each other with their goal behind them. The game’s mission is for each team to kick as many cans into their opponent’s goal as possible before ten minutes is up! You can make up your own rules, like no contact or having a goalie!
4. The purpose of this game is to get everyone laughing as they get a chance to kick some butt for once!
Locations of Breakup Party Planners
| Alabama | Albany | Arizona | Aspen | Atlanta | Atlantic City | Augusta | Austin | Baltimore | Baton Rouge | Birmingham | Boise | Boston | Buffalo | Charlotte | Chattanooga | Charleston | Chicago | Cincinnati | Cleveland | Colorado | Colorado Springs | Columbus | Connecticut | Dallas | DC | Delaware | Denver | Des Moines | Detroit | El Paso | Erie | Fayetteville | Florida | Fort Collins | Fort Worth | Fort Lauderdale | Fresno | Georgia | Green Bay | Hawaii | Honolulu Houston | Indianapolis | Jacksonville | Kansas City | Knoxville | Lake Charles | Las Vegas | Los Angeles | Louisiana | Louisville | Madison | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Memphis | Miami | Michigan | Milwaukee | Minnesota | Minneapolis | Mobile | Montreal | Myrtle Beach | Nashville | Nebraska | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Orleans | New York | Nevada | North Carolina | Ocean City | Oklahoma | Orlando | Orange County Ca | Ohio | Palm Beach | Panama City | Pensacola | Palm Springs | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | Phoenix | Portland Raleigh | Reno | Rochester | Sacramento | Salt Lake City | San Antonio | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Francisco | San Jose | Savannah | Scottsdale | Seattle | South Carolina | St Louis | Syracuse | Tampa | Tennessee | Texas | Toronto Tucson | Vancouver | Vermont | Virginia | Wisconsin |