Midget Strippers
We have Little People Midgets in Miami, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Orlando, St. Pete, Clearwater, Kissimmee, Naples, Fort Myers, Sarasota, Scottsdale, Tucson, and Palm Beach. We also have them in New York, New Jersey, Philly, and Los Angeles.
Midget Entertainment has always been a NOVELTY to bring to any type of venue. Little people bring LIFE to a party so people can enjoy their time out. Midgets also strip for any type of event and people find it even a great combination with male or female exotic dancers. It changes the focus of the event to be more pleasurable and FUN. So contact the party planners to organize whatever PARTY IDEAS you have and to make your event as unique as possible.
The Wing Man – Check Video
Emphasize MIDGET Dancers to us on Phones
Tampa Midgets
Naples Midgets
Fort Myers Midgets
Olando Midgets
Kissimmee Midgets
St Pete Midgets
Midget Entertainment

Midget Wrestling
Small-heighted people ( midget ) have always been popular entertainers, but they were often regarded with abhorrence and revulsion in our society. Well, Midget is a term for a person of unusually short stature that is often considered deprecated. It is not a medical or a scientific term, but still is has been applied to the people having short stature. They are now commonly called dwarfs. Midgets or dwarfs are present all over the world but this disability is mostly present in the people of America.
Little midgets have been participating in many of the platforms of our society. Let it be a wedding, party, show, or birthday, Midget have shown their talent to entertain us. Apart from entertainment shows, they also take part in wrestling. Little Beaver, Lord Little brook, and Fuzzy Cupid toured North America, and Sky Low Low was the first holder of the National Wrestling Alliance’s World Midget Championship. In the following couple of decades, more wrestlers became prominent in North America, including foreign midget wrestlers like Japan’s Little Tokyo.
A most important event in which midgets are invited to entertain us are bachelor and bachelorette parties. I guess you might be familiar with a bachelor party but bachelorette party is quite a new word, at least for me. Well a bachelorette party also called a hen party is a party held for a woman who is about to get married. The terms hen party or hen night are common in the United Kingdom and Ireland, while the terms hens party or hens night are common in Australia and New Zealand, and the term bachelorette party is common in the United States and Canada. Midgets have also been seen on valentine day cupid shows , Saint Patrick’s day Leprechaun , Oompa Loompa shows and Santa Elf holiday shows. They have proved that they are the people to be not be deprecated. They hold a proper and a good place in the society.
Another term mostly used when it we hear about midget or their history is ‘’Bar mitzah and Bat mitzah’’. Well , these are a Jewish Babylonian Aramaic word. Thus bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah literally translate to “son of commandment” and “daughter of commandment”. However, in rabbinical usage, the word bar means “under the category of” or “subject to”. Bat or bar mitzah are actually Jewish rituals for the teen boys and girls.
According to Jewish law, when Jewish boys become 13 years old, they become accountable for their actions and become a bar mitzvah. A girl becomes a bat mitzvah at the age of 12. After this age and becoming the respected bat and bar mitzah, the boys and girls bear their own responsibility for Jewish ritual law, tradition, and ethics, and are able to participate in all areas of Jewish community life. Traditionally, the father of the bar mitzvah gives thanks to God that he is no longer punished for the child’s sins.