Pole Dancing Classes Austin

The common reaction when I suggest the idea of creating fun in a party through a pole dancing class or pole dancing exercise program is to compare the idea to what happens in strip clubs. While there may be some striking similarities, there are significant differences. First and foremost, there are no men in the classes. As a matter of fact, all the studios I know are out of bounds to men. The implication of this to your bachelorette party is that the women are able to concentrate on finding their own desires and fantasies without the distraction of men. It is a wonderful thing when women are in an environment where the conditions are perfect and there is absolutely no pressure to impress someone else. Their sexuality is also not under some kind of scrutiny. Pole dance classes is a one size fits all and women who participate are able to move in a sensual way that feels natural and comfortable, they also improve their looks and feel more beautiful,, you don’t have to be a Austin stripper to take Austin pole dancing classes. This is a good thing for their self esteem and sexuality.

These benefits, notwithstanding, pole dancing remains largely misunderstood, and a woman’s decision to pole dance tends to be questionable. People can barely get their mind around how objectifying the feminine in the interest of exploring sexuality actually benefit women. Taking pleasure in being looked at seems vulnerable, while being the object of a gaze sounds perverse. The right thing may not always be the correct thing. Giving women space to explore their subjective experience of sexual desire is the right thing to do. Also, since women have been programmed with confusing messages about their sexuality pole dancing is a very good way for them to gain clarity on a personal level.

While women have been stereotyped with loads of visual imagery from the media on how they should dress and behave. We have been bombarded by television, print, and the Internet about how women should look, dress and behave. There is more to sexiness than buying into a very narrow cultural definition of beautiful. You can take the lead right now by considering the little way pole dancing classes can transform our culture with great fun.

It is important for every woman to own her sexuality and share it with whomever they please. Women who participate in pole dancing classes are often considered loose or whores. This is so wrong. Pole dancing classes makes you improve on your fitness, puts fun in your party and allows you to explore and unleash your sexuality without fear or judgment.