Sexy Waitress and Waiter Staff
- Slacks & No Shirt
- Boy Shorts & No Shirt
- Slacks & Shirt
- Cocktail Attire w/Stalkings
- Small Shorts & Bikini Top
- Bikini Bottom & Top
- Long Skirt & Covered Cleavage
Wait Staff for Hire
Everyone knows that the human body is something we are all intrigued by. This is the reason why there is an obsession with sculpting it to the best of our abilities. The better the body looks in terms of fitness and low fat percentage, the sexier and more appealing it will be for others to look at it. If you are planning to host a party on a cool location or simply have one at your house, you could really step your game of sophistication up with a model wait staff who will be serving drinks and food looking appealing.
This will be a completely professional person who is there to showcase the beauty of the human body while serving as a waiter or waitress for your party. You don’t have to worry about them feeling uncomfortable because they are very secure about their bodies and how they look. They are professionals who have been doing this for a long time and you will see this from the moment they walk into your party. Everyone at the event will be in complete shock when they first see the waiters come out shirtless and this is going to make it a party they will never forget. You will be the host of the year without a doubt.
If you want things to be even more exotic, you can ask for the waiter or waitress to be dressed in a sexy costume and also wearing full body paint. This will be an even more attractive and appealing kind of showcase of the human body in a tasteful way. You just need to contact us at the website and we will make sure that we can give you the best service for your needs at the party you will be throwing. You can also ask for specific models and clothing you want them to wear if you prefer.

You can get one our hot male or female waiters , waitress or bartenders at your party. They will serve and entertain your guests.
RATES: Varies depending on factors e.g. Time , Number of servers, What service etc.
Wait Staff for Private Events like Weddings
Bartending and catering services involved firms or individuals provide food service at remote places. The most general are those that serve food for unique occasions, conferences and event such as concerns, parties, weddings and fairs among many others. Caterers are responsible for preparing the menu, making plans with the customers, go with the instructions of customers, and hiring the people who will cook and dish up the food. Bartenders, on the other hand, are also hired by caterers to mix, prepare and serve drinks to guests.
Bartending and catering services generally serve as event caterers with a wait staff at dining tables or at buffets. They job closely with the customers before the event and often present a set of menus that are based on the customers preferences. On the client picks a menu, event caterers will then hire people who will support him or her to prepare the food, set up during the event, serve beverage and food, and provides right decoration on the area reserved for them.
On the other hand, bartenders are given the liability to serve beverages behind a bar. Beverages contain the alcoholic kind such as wine, beer, soft drinks, wine, and other non-alcoholic beverages such as iced teas and fruit juices among many others. They are guessed to rightly mix 100s to 1000s of different drinks and maintain the garnishes, liquor, glassware and supplies for the bar. Bartenders are sometimes needed to provide fun to customers by doing exhibitions while mixing drinks. These contain dancing, flying bottles, and using music for their repertoire.
Before hiring bartending waiting services, you have to consider different things. These contain your preferences and needs for the food to be prepared, your budget, if the event needs serving food for the guests or self-serving with a buffet, and whether you will also need a bar for the occasion among many others.
Here are some tips when considering bartending & catering service:
• Check whether they can manage the number of guests you will have in the event and whether they can prepare a menu according to your specifications.
• Try to meet up with caterer at least 6 times before the event to check whether everything is in order.
• If you want to hire the top bartending & catering service, you have to hire them ahead of time. Most especially if you will use them for a wedding, wait or caterers must be hired at least three months to six months before the day.
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